Monday, November 17, 2008

Option or Priority?

Recently someone shared a very interesting quote with me. It went like this:

"Never make someone a priorty who only makes you an option"

This really set my mind in motion thinking on the meanings that this could hold. I have pondered it now for several days and this is what I have come up with.

  • Are you making God a priority or an option in your life? If you are saved, you did, at one time, make God a priority, but is that still holding true? Is God someone who you set above everything and everyone else in your life or do you take Him out on Sunday and then put Him back on the shelf on Monday? God certainly made us a priority. He did give His only Son for us and I would say that is indeed making us a top priority. If God is not a priority in your life I would encourage you to make a few adjustments. Because unless your relationship with God is right, no other relationship will be right either. Which leads me to....
  • All the young girls and single women who are out there. (and yes this even can apply to young men as well) I have seen far too many broken hearts and shattered dreams in my life. Too many times we set our priorities on people who are only making us an option. In relationships both people should make the other a priority. If only one person is setting the other as a priority you aren't getting a 50/50 relationship. We are all made beautiful in the eyes of God and His desire for you is to find that one person who He has for you. When you find that person, they will make you a priority. But don't forget not to make this person a priority over God and that person should do the same regarding you. If you are both making God a priority, the rest will all fall into place.
  • As wives and husbands we must be sure that our spouses take a priority spot in our lives. Today, in a world where the children, our jobs, our churches and the day to day responsibilities of life can be so crazy we have to be sure that we make spending time with our spouses a priority. If we don't I think we will find ourselves like so many people, we wake up one morning and realize we don't even know the person we are married to any more. The same holds true for our children. I personally don't think our families should ever take a back seat to our busy lives.
  • There is one other aspect of this that I have also been pondering... Is there ever a time when we do need to set someone as a priority that makes us an option. The answer I keep coming back to is yes. The answer seems pretty clear to me. There are people in this world, who are not believers who need to be ministered to. They most likely do not set us as priorities in their lives. The may only come around when they need or want something. That may be the only time that they are even half way sociable to us. But I have found over the years that unbelievers will come to believers in times of trouble because they already know how we think and how we feel. They know we will pray for them and be there for them. It is people like that they we must make a priority even though they only make us an option. Thank God He makes us a priority even when we don't make Him one, so it is what we should do.

I suppose I could go on and on about the priority vs. option theory. But all in all I believe that it all comes back to making sure God is our first and foremost priority and remember to thank Him daily for making us a priority in His eyes even though we do not always make Him a priority in our lives.

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