Writing about life and living it in the wonder and awe of the God we serve.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Stepping Up.....
Most of you know that I am recently unemployed and that has been a huge change for my life for many reasons. I have had no luck as of yet finding a job and I keep saying that I am simply waiting on God to show me what is next. Last night I began to think there is something more to this unemployment stage of my life.
So many times over the last many years I have embarked on studies, trying desperately to juggle work, home, kids, chores, church and bible study. Many times finding that my time in the Word takes a backseat to everything else that is going on around me. That’s not the way it is supposed to be at all. I have known that and realized it along the way but couldn’t really find a good balance to do the said study at that time with my whole heart like I should. It has probably caused me to miss out on many things and leaves me looking forward to going through some of those books and studies again to see what I missed out on.
In this study Beth has asked us that for the next 30 days we get on our faces, literally, before God each day. Not just in prayer, but getting right down our faces. This is not something I normally do but it is something I am going to do each day.
In the video presentation last night Beth Moore said this: “Whatever we are going through, we aren’t staying there”! Amen to that. Now while this may make perfect sense to some of you it wasn’t something I had thought of with all that is going on around me. There are so many “things” that are going on right now, so many changes and in reality it can be kind of scary. We tend to get “comfortable” with where we are but on the inside we feel “stuck” and even a little down if we are honest. I don’t want to be stuck or down and that is point of this study to get up.
Something else she said that I found very ironic in our current situation, not just our own within our family but in our country as a whole was this: “In God’s economy the way UP is DOWN”. No matter what our circumstances are either within our homes or for our country as a whole perhaps we do need to get down before we can get up. Not down as in the value of the dollar but down on our faces before God.
Beth painted a beautiful pictures of the stairs leading from the Court of Women in The Temple up to Nicanor Gate of us standing at the bottom of the stairs and God standing there with His hands open waiting for up to STEP UP!
So this morning I got up determined that I was going to do this right. I did get on my face before God this morning and in the quiet of my home I spent some great time in the Word and going through day one of this amazing study. As I worked through today’s lesson it was amazing. One line from today’s lesson states: “Sometimes we don’t know why we’re on a certain road with God until miles have made their way to the soles of our feet”. It’s true I do not know why God has me at this crossroad in my life and maybe, just maybe a few miles need to be put on the soles of my feet in order for me to see what is next. I can’t help but think that maybe I am supposed to be at home right now to give my full attention to this study. God has something for me. I know He does!
So I have begun my journey on the Psalms of Ascent and I am so excited to see where it is going to lead. One step at a time, one day at a time and holding on so tightly to God’s had as I walk. God doesn’t make mistakes but we do, however, one last thing that Beth Moore said in the video last night was something someone had told her: “Remember you’re not good enough to mess God up.” Praise God for that!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration 2009
I found many of the commentaries and statements that I heard today and many of the things that I saw today very interesting.
On the TODAY show Matt Lauer was speaking with Collin Powell and Matt Lauer made the statement that “aren’t we putting a lot of faith in one man” to which Collin Powell said yes. I found this interesting because it is true. So many people are putting so much faith and trust in Barack Obama that it is scary; a lot of these people are Christians. We are not supposed to put our faith in any one except Jesus Christ and when we don’t good things do not happen. What I saw today were thousands of people standing for hours upon hours in the freezing cold to catch just a quick glimpse of our new President. What I saw today were people who were acting as worshipers to a man who puts his pants on the same way we all do. In many ways I think people are, without knowing it, setting the man up to fail. Why? Simple because if he is unable to accomplish the things that people seem to think he can accomplish he will, in their eyes perhaps become a failure or be called a liar.
So many times today we heard about “history” being made. Indeed today is day for the history books for several reasons. We did indeed watch the first man with an African American heritage be sworn in as commander and chief. There were more people present today for the Inauguration then ever before. One lady I saw interviewed was in Washington when Martin Luther King made his speech and she was there today as well and said today the dream came true and that she wished MLK had been here to see it. She is right today his dream did come true and we all witnessed it.
Tonight on the NBC Nightly news they showed the reactions from around the world today and they are all riding high on the hopes that Obama will fix things and make things “right”.
Sadly for as many people who are excited about this newness in our government and country there are just as many who are not excited and who are not happy with the fact that Barack Obama has been elected.
So where am I going with all of this? The truth of the matter is that God allowed this man to be elected as President of the United States of America. The truth is that we are called to pray for this man and for those who are in our government. The truth is that Barack Obama is not a god or a king and is no different from any other man in this world. He is not perfect; he is a husband, a son, a brother and father. He will make good choices and he will make bad choices. He will have good days and he will have bad days. He is like each one of us. The truth is we should esteem no man higher than God and we must remain steadfast in the fact that our God is in control and that the things that happen will only happen because our God allows them.
So as we go forward in the days ahead I pray that we will all remember who we are and who we serve. I hope that we will all take time to pray for our leaders and for our country. And I pray that we will all remember that what we do for the kingdom is of the most importance.
I have a calendar on my desk that has verses, thoughts and quotes on it and today’s is a reminder of what we must remember no matter what:
Forgive me, Father, for the times when I am anxious. You have promised to care of all my needs.
Monday, January 19, 2009
2009...Changes Ahead
So far looking for a job has not been a fun thing. I have posted my resume on several different sites and so far the real only things I have heard were sales jobs. Funny thing is I don’t do sales. I am not a salesperson, never have been and don’t plan to be. There isn’t a single thing in my resume that would lead anyone to think that I have done sales or would be interested; yet I get calls and emails for sales jobs weekly. Other than that the only one nibble that I have had has turned out to be nothing I am afraid. Companies do not want you to come in and fill out applications for the most part. You either need to email, fax or apply through the company website. All of those options are fine since it means I am not burning gas up to go around to all these places.
I supposed I would be depressed at the lack of responses if the job market wasn’t what it is today. There are so many people out there that are looking for work and more and more are losing jobs everyday. I read last week that over 20,000 people in the state of Florida alone applied for unemployment in one day, one day that is unthinkable. So the search goes on.
In all honesty though I am enjoying being at home to some extent. It is nice to be able to do “chores” through the week and not have to do them all on Saturday. Weekends were not very enjoyable for me since usually my Saturday was full of chores and grocery shopping and then Sunday was church, it always felt like my days off were filled with as much work as my workweek was. It is nice to be able to enjoy putting together a meal again instead of hurrying home each night to throw something together. The laundry is generally caught up now as well. So this whole “no job” thing really is not bad except for the loss of income and the fact that I am not around the people I have grown to love so much over the years.
But on to other things…….
So 2009 has already proved that it will be yet another year of change. A week ago Sunday we found out that Pastor Duane, Amy and the boys will be leaving us this year. They will be moving to China to teach English. That is a huge move for them and I am so happy that God has opened this door to them. China has been a huge part of our lives for almost three years now. This summer will make the third year that we have sent a team there to teach English. I am so excited for them and for the doors that this will open. Yet on the other hand it is a bit bittersweet for me as well because I know this will increase the love that my oldest daughter has for the people of China. So we shall see what the next months hold for all of us.
Of course our country is about to undergo a big change tomorrow with the Inauguration of Barack Obama as the president of the United States. I think the days ahead will be interesting as we see what direction God is going to take our country in. We should all remember that God is in control and we are called to pray for our leaders.
So that is my update for now. I am going to try and be better about blogging.
If you think about it please pray for our family as we continue to readjust to the cut in income. Pray for God to show me what HE would have me to do. Pray for our son Nick who is almost 19 and is looking for a job as well.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Our Children
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Just A Thought
I have this calendar on my desk and it has bible verses and some quotes on it and today's is from Max Lucado. Funny thing, I flipped it early this morning but didn't really read it until a few minutes ago and it just really was what I needed. Here it is because I wanted to share it because I know so many of us are going through tough times right now....
"Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek His grace. And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest." - Max Lucado
I am praying for all of you and I love you all!